
Project Elpis

A fusion energy startup with a new physics domain, high development risk, a compact and modular design, a short and moderate cost path to proof-of-concept, and strong scalability when deployed as a source of electricity or industrial heat. 

Elpis is the spirit of hope in Greek mythology.

Focused Research Organization (FRO)

A novel structure for research teams proposed in 2020, which is designed to make efficient progress on underserved scientific problems.

Non-profit, open science, lean, and scalable, combining the best of the startup, public institution, and corporate mindsets.

More information here and here. Similar.

figure: Convergent Research

Extended Benefits to Society

With the FRO focusing on clean energy, for-profit spin-off companies based around the enabling technologies will be actively developed, to generate revenue and equity throughout the project. The first is close to launching.

More generally, working on wicked problems like fusion often leads to unexpected added value.


Chief Operations Officer, co-founder

An experienced project manager from ASML, Europe’s largest semiconductor company and an innovation leader.

Chief Science Officer, co-founder

Supercomputing expert and theoretician who literally wrote a book on the laser processes that regulate the proposed fusion concept.

Steven LISGO
interim CEO, Chief Technology Officer, co-founder

Mainstream fusion researcher and a veteran of ITER, the global effort to demonstrate the science and engineering required for a fusion power plant; concept author.

Miranda van den BERG
Technology and Development Manager

Fusion technologist who enjoys working at the intersection of industry and science.


Once the laboratory is established, 5 years for a net energy gain proof-of-concept. Validation of the demonstrator will utilize a combination of engineering development and supercomputer extrapolation.

The short timeline is realistic because the fusion scheme combines two devices with high Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs), with both available for purchase.

If the proof-of-concept is successful, 5 years is allocated for commercialization, to be accelerated by digital twinning, generative AI, and advanced manufacturing.

At the end of the project, the technology is transferred to a corporate partner specializing in energy systems.

More detailed information is at the bottom of Concept.


Additional Letters of Support are in preparation.

Global Ambition

At the inaugural meeting of the IAEA World Fusion Energy Group, there was broad interest in expanding fusion research to new countries. The question of implementation was raised.

Project Elpis uses technology that formed the basis of such an effort in the 1980s, and the FRO could, as an open science entity, facilitate an updated version of this program and kickstart cost-effective fusion laboratories around the world.

Resource Targets

Rapid development time and modest investment requirements combine with high efficiency from the FRO. 

The target profile is contrasted with the ITER flagship fusion project, which is significantly under-resourced, resulting in continual cost and schedule overruns. ITER also operates within a cumbersome bureaupathological framework.

Successfully executing a baseline schedule always requires sufficient funding, but the small size of the Project Elpis device dramatically reduces the overall capital investment compared to many fusion projects.

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